Friday, 19 June 2015

Congratulations Grade Twos!

Congratulations to our grade two graduates! All of us at Junior OSC wish all of you the best in your transition to Senior OSC. We know that each of you will have an exciting and fun time as third grader. We will miss all of you very much.

From all the Junior OSC staff.

Grade 2 Graduation Speeches:
Aidan: Aidans fun personality and willingness to learn and try new things will definitely be missed at Jr. OSC. We will never forget his passion for building Lego structures and marble tracks with hall his friends.

Andrew: At Jr. OSC, Andrew could always be seen reading a book, playing board games or hanging out with his best friends, Angel and Mr. Pickles. He has a great sense of humour and has made lots of friends here.

Angel: Angels maturity, leadership qualities and humour will always be remembered at Jr. OSC. She often signed up for afternoon art or baking, and never passed up on the opportunity to do nail polish with the leaders.

Connor: In the afternoons we always looked forward to Connors curiosity and enthusiasm. Whether it was asking about snack, or the days activities, Connor always wanted to be in the know and was excited for whatever was in store for him.

Dariusz: Dariuszs outgoing personality and friendliness makes him a good role model for the other children at Jr. OSC. He never passes up the chance to have a hearty breakfast in the morning and always volunteers his help to the leaders.

Emilia: We will never forget Emilias love for drawing, colouring, running around at the park or playing with her good friend Kiera. Her kind personality makes her a very lovable individual, especially between her peers.

Emily H: At Jr. OSC, Emily H could always be seen holding a Beanie Boo wherever she goes. She has such a creative mind and we hope she continues to grow her passion of the arts, as she transitions to Sr. OSC.

Kaden: Kaden is one of the most active and athletic individuals at our program. He is always at the park or in the gym and his excellent sportsmanship made the activities fun for everyone.

Kiera: Kieras mature and inclusive personality was a great asset at Jr. Her enthusiasm for all the activities she participated in made her a lovable individual between the leaders and her peers.

Leah: Leahs bold personality gives her the potential to be a strong leader and friend as she transitions into Sr. OSC. She always brings a positive energy into the room and loves to make new friends.

Livia: Outgoing and energetic, Livia never gave up the chance to play in the park with her best friend Kiera. She always has a new trick at the playground to show the leaders.

Nick: Although Nick is newer to the program, he had no problem fitting in right away. He was always seen playing quietly with the Keva blocks and his many friends.

Noa: Noas positivity and creative mind made her a unique individual at Jr. She was always seen with a felt pen, or pencil crayon, in her hand working hard on her next creation.

Owen: Owen is a well-rounded individual who loves playing with Lego and marble tracks with his friends Aidan, Trenton, Chris and Kaden. He always made his group laugh with his jokes and fun-loving personality.

Sean: Seans outgoing and caring personality made him a role model amongst his peers. He is never afraid to say whats on his mind and was always sure to look out for his friends and younger brother, Jackson.

Toby: Toby has a great sense of humour. He is also very thoughtful and independent which will help him through his transition into Sr. OSC. His love for board games and building Lego structures will be missed.

Friday, 12 June 2015


Imagine for a moment, you have in your hand a ball of green, sticky, slippery, squishy, slime. You take your other hand and you gently put it on top of the slime ball, cupping your hands, surrounding the slime. You hold it, you look at it, and you feel it; then, all of a sudden – YOU SQUISH IT! Immediately the slime oozes between your fingers, splatting onto the table beneath your hands. You pull your hands apart and what's left is little green bits of goo stuck between your fingers, stuck on your palms, and the rest all over the table.

We did a fan-favourite for science day at Junior this past month. Together Aislinn and I tag-teamed and made slime with the kids. We used the usual mixture, water, Elmer’s white-glue, borax and some food colouring; however, we added in some sparkles and giant sparkles for that extra flair.  Kids got to choose from tiny fairy like sprinkles, to larger gold and silver ones. They were also allowed to put in some fun shaped sparkles that looked like stars, hearts, and leaves! We organized the activity so that each child would get two plastic cups. One cup would have two lines on it (for glue and water), and the other had one line for only water. We gave each child a cup with one line first, then a ¼ teaspoon or a 1/8 teaspoon. Depending on the number on their spoon, they either added one scoop or two of borax to their cup of water, then stirred until there was almost nothing left. Next, the kids were given their second cups with two lines. In this cup they poured white-glue to the first line, and then filled the cup with water until the second line. After, the kids got to stir the two liquids together, watching them combine into a thick white water. Then they chose two colours of food dye to add and mix in, along with their choice of sparkles. The final step was to pour the white-glue and water mixture into the cup of water and borax and then stir
! When the mixture was done, the kids had sparkly coloured slime to squish and enjoy.
Here’s the recipe below!

-          Liquid Glue (1/2 cup)
-          Water (1/2 cup)
-          Food Colouring
-          Borax (1 tsp)
-          Water (1 Cup)
-          Two Plastic Cups
We scaled the recipe so that it could be made for twelve kids, then divided the total amount so each child had their own, smaller, proportion that would fit in the disposable cups we had.

1.       In one cup, mix ½ cup glue and ½ cup water together, add food colouring and sparkles.
2.       In a different cup, mix 1 tsp Borax with 1 cup water, until the Borax is dissolved.
3.       Pour the water-glue mixture into the Borax-water and stir together.
4.       Keep mixing until the slime has been formed; you can kneed the mixture together to try to get as much water as possible – if there is left over water, don’t worry just pour it out!
And now you have your own slime!



Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Clay Creations

This week at Jr Osc I let the kids imaginations run freely using clay art. They loved getting their hands dirty, squishing the clay through their fingers and creating whatever popped into their heads. That's what always makes clay art a popular activity. I started by giving them the basic colours of clay like red, yellow, blue and some others. As soon as they realized they needed more colours to create their masterpieces that's when they started getting to work. They experimented with a bunch of different colours with everyone helping out to figure out what colour they imagined would be created.  It was awesome to see that if one person made a colour they didn't need they would share it around the table for other kids to use. By the end of the day all the clay had been used up and everyone with a unique creation to take home.
