Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Tooth Fairy Boxes

Upon noticing all of the lost and wiggly teeth at Jr. OSC, I decided that a Tooth Fairy Box was fitting. I brought in some little paper mache boxes from the craft store, supplied the glitter glue and markers and let the kids have at it! We've realised that any time our craft activity involves glitter glue, we're sure to have many hands participating. I had found a letter to the Tooth Fairy and decided to print out a copy for each child to stick on the inside, outside, underside or anywhere on their box. In case anyone is interested in making their own Tooth Fairy craft or just want to get in touch, here's the letter I found...

Dear Tooth Fairy,

In this pocket you will find
A teeny tiny tooth of mine.
I placed it there for you to keep,
Please leave your gift while I'm asleep!

-Unknown Author

Hope the Tooth Fairy is good to all the kids losing their teeth!

-Sara E.

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