Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Wednesday Out Trip Adventures!

Wednesdays are out trip days here in the Junior OSC program and the children seem to love it! So far our destinations have included The Village Garden Pumpkin Patch, Garden City Park and South Arm Park. However with daylight fading sooner and sooner we will likely be changing our trips to more indoor locations. So far each trip has been accompanied by a group of Senior OSC children and staff, who have been great big buddies for the younger ones. The big buddies have been amazing role models and both the Junior children and staff enjoy having them join us on our trips. 

Just a reminder that if we are going to an outdoor destination, that you pack proper clothing and footwear as it is getting colder as the weeks pass. Keep an eye out for out trip signups because the spots do fill up fast!

Garden City Park's bird nest climbing structure.

The children quickly discovered jackets make great luges.

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