Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Silly Putty Goo

This week, many of the children had lots of fun doing a science activity with Cory! When asked what they thought about his ‘Silly Putty Goo’ experiment, some of the answers I received included “Super Cool!” and “Totally Awesome!” We are so glad that the kids enjoy the afternoon activities offered at Junior OSC. Here is the recipe for Cory’s Silly Putty Goo if you want to try it for yourself at home! 


  • Elmers glue
  • 2 disposable cups 
  • Food colouring
  • Water
  • Borax
  • Spoon to mix
  • Tablespoon to measure



1. Fill one cup with water and add 1tbsp of borax; Stir. 

2. Fill the second cup with about one inch of glue. 

3. Add 3tbsp of water to the glue and stir. 

4. Add a few drops of food colouring to the mixture and continue stirring. 

5. Add 1tbsp of the diluted borax to the glue mixture then stir well. 

6. Watch the slime form! 




Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Marble Mania

            This week we are very fortunate to have the revealing of a new toy set at West Richmond OSC. It is amazing how many kids love to play with marbles, roll them, pass them around and best of all make a marble track for the marbles. We tossed out our old broken plastic marble set in exchange for a new wooden marble set. I found these sets of blocks were a bit challenging at first because there were no connecting pieces like the plastic set. It only has blocks that stack on top of each other. As the kids started to build, they quickly understood how the blocks and marbles operated. After a few breakdowns from the blocks they started to get the hang of it, and before I knew it they had created some amazing marble tracks.


I think I see some engineers in the future…






Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Remembrance Day

Last week I decided to ask the kids what they knew about Remembrance Day.
I started off by asking them, "What is Remembrance Day?" I received many blank stares, but among the stares were replies such as:

"Because a soldier died."

"Soldiers who fought to protect this Canada land."

"When we wear the poppies."

"It's all about remembering everyone who fought in the war for us."

I next asked them, "Why is it important to remember the war?" Many of them had the right idea:

"Because the soldiers fought for us"

The last question I asked was, "Why do we wear poppies?" Here are a few of the many good answers:

"As a sign of respect."

"The poppies grew for the war and they help us remember."

These answers conclude some of the knowledge the children have about Remembrance Day.

- Aislinn

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Happy November, families!

This past week has been dedicated to gearing up for Halloween before the big day. This week was packed with pumpkin patch visits, lugging around their hand-picked pumpkins, potluck classroom parties and Halloween themed arts and crafts. I decided to do some fun treat bags to get the kids' imaginative juices flowing. I gave the kids a small paper bag each to decorate, and most importantly - they got a bowl of treats to fill their bag. But these weren't ordinary treats, these were ghost poop (marshmallows), zombie brains (berry gummies), monster scabs (Cinnamon Toast Crunch), and witch's warts (chocolate chips). We finished off our treat bags with some curled ribbon to seal our bags shut so the kids could add them to their post-trick-or-treating stockpile. 

Until next time!
Sara E 

Happy Halloween from the OSC Circus!