Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Remembrance Day

Last week I decided to ask the kids what they knew about Remembrance Day.
I started off by asking them, "What is Remembrance Day?" I received many blank stares, but among the stares were replies such as:

"Because a soldier died."

"Soldiers who fought to protect this Canada land."

"When we wear the poppies."

"It's all about remembering everyone who fought in the war for us."

I next asked them, "Why is it important to remember the war?" Many of them had the right idea:

"Because the soldiers fought for us"

The last question I asked was, "Why do we wear poppies?" Here are a few of the many good answers:

"As a sign of respect."

"The poppies grew for the war and they help us remember."

These answers conclude some of the knowledge the children have about Remembrance Day.

- Aislinn

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