Thursday, 5 March 2015

Pink Shirt Day

Hey everyone!


Just a quick introduction. My name is Ryan M, not to be confused with Ryan S. I guess you could say I’m new to Junior Out of School Care, but you can usually find me at Senior OSC throughout the week. However, I now work on Tuesdays with the Junior kids and am very excited about the working with the young ones once a week! I’m doing my best to get to know all of the families at Junior OSC, but if you see a new face please don’t hesitate to come talk to me. I love a good conversation!


Last Wednesday was a very important day, with many people all around the world being able to relate. February 25th was Anti-Bullying Day, while the entire week was Anti-Bullying Week! This day has been growing in popularity over the years, and here at Junior Out of School Care we want to help our kids be more aware of bullying and more aware of how they can stand up for themselves and others.


We had a few fun activities planned for the kids to get them thinking about anti-bullying. Some of the kids got their pinky nails painted pink! Not only did it look awesome, it also had a symbolic meaning as they pinky promised to stand up to bullying. We also had small pink t-shirts cut out of paper, and the kids wrote a nice message on the t-shirt about what they can do to be nice to others. Our more adventurous ones even painted their faces pink!


Dixon Elementary School had a great idea of wearing a different colour, representing different types of bullying, for each day of the week. So if on Wednesday you saw any kids wearing green, it’s because our Dixon friends were standing up to cyber-bullying!


Although this is one of the only times we focus heavily on anti-bullying, it is very important that the themes from this week are thought about every single day.


Ryan M

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