Friday, 8 May 2015

Meet Lindsay!

Hi.  My name is Lindsay and I am an assistant leader in both Junior and Senior OSC and currently in Grade 12 at McMath. I have been working here since November and am thoroughly enjoying it.

As the weather is getting nicer, we are enjoying being outside more and more. At Jr. OSC, one of our favorite games to play at the park is ball tag. This involves one person trying to hit the other players with a soft dodge ball. One problem we often encounter with this game is that not all of the kids play by the same rules, as they come to OSC from different schools. Sometimes this means that there are two games of ball tag being played simultaneously. The other day on the park this is exactly what happened, and when trying to combine the two games they came to a crossroad. There was too much chaos to enjoy playing the game. The kids readily agreed there was a problem, and although leaders were present, the kids sat themselves down and had a conversation about what needed to be changed in order for the game to go on. After some conversation they came to an agreement on which rules were going to be used and the game went on happily for the duration of our activity.

This was a great reminder for me that the kids do not always need a leader to intervene when a problem arises, proving they are very capable of solving the problems they encounter if given the time and space to do so.




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