Monday, 5 October 2015

Kinder Firsts

Garden City Park
The first month of school has sure flown by and both kids and leaders have finally settled into the after school routine. Our kindergarteners especially have had a chance to explore and accomplish many firsts in their young lives.

This month many of them experienced their first Pro D day, I joined the Dixons on their day off and we combined with our senior program. Together we journeyed into Richmond and headed to Garden City Park, where we spent most of our morning playing and taking in the good weather. We then headed to Paulik Park to grab some lunch and ended our day back at West.

Our very popular mascot Mr.Snail

Learning about glue gun safety
Another thing some of our kinders got to experience for the first time was using glue guns. It was my afternoon activity and we were making sock puppets, so I used it as an opportunity to teach our young friends glue gun safety and how to properly use a glue gun. While many were timid at first and hesitant to use them, they eventually became pros after recognizing their own comfort level with the hot glue.


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