Monday, 28 November 2016

Family Fun Night

Hello OSC Families!

Last Friday, OSC hosted a Family Fun Night at West Richmond Community Centre. Families joined us for a fun evening of candy house building, a hot chocolate bar, and a slideshow of last school year’s photos that we weren't able to show at the cancelled Family BBQ in June.

It was so much fun seeing all the families working hard together to build the candy houses. They were all so creative, and it was interesting to see how all the houses had the same ingredients but they all turned out to be so different from each other. Some houses ended up with all the ingredients placed, and some with only a few because we all know how hard it is to control ourselves when it comes to sugar.


The hot chocolate bar was definitely a hit. So many delicious hot chocolate creations were going around, I definitely needed to visit that station.

We had an amazing gift basket that was donated to us by UNFI Canada – Grocery West. Families who brought food items for the Food Bank were entered into a draw to win the gift basket, so thank you to anyone who brought an item and congratulations to the family that won!

It was great seeing so many families show up to our Family Fun Night. I am looking forward to many more events with our amazing OSC families!


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