Thursday, 20 April 2017

Bunny Masks

Happy Easter OSC Families!

I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing long weekend. There’s nothing better than spending the weekend with your family, especially when it involves eating as much chocolate as possible. Last week, to prepare for Easter, we made Easter Bunny Masks for one of our art activities.

To make the masks, we started off by cutting out the center of a paper plate. After that, we drew bunny ears on a light coloured sheet of paper and cut them out. We drew a smaller section inside the ears and coloured them pink. We then cut out six small whiskers, three for each side of the plate, and used black construction paper for them. Once we glued the ears and whiskers in their place, we hot glued a popsicle stick to the bottom of the paper plate. The kids could hold on to the popsicle stick and then hold their masks up to their faces.

We had a few ears fall off as they were quite big and heavy, so liquid glue or a hot glue gun worked best to keep them in place. All in all, it was a super fun activity and all the masks turned out so well. I’m looking forward to our next holiday themed art activity!

All the best,


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