Last week we had the pleasure of wrapping up "Loomvember."
Together, the Junior and Senior programs loomed 39 toques, and 2 scarves – some of which were made by donations from
parents! Thank you to all of you who participated in our fundraiser in some
way. Emily, from Senior, organized where we would be donating our creations and we ended up teaming with "Caring for our Sisters," which is run through the University of
British Columbia. A post on the UBC First Nations Longhouse Facebook page reads
as follows:
“Wow, amazing, and awesome, a million thanks to the
Longhouse Community. Aboriginal women and children accessing Sheway, Downtown
Eastside Women’s Centre, and Crabtree Corner will be receiving your generous
donations in the coming weeks thanks to “Caring for Our Sisters”. Thank you to
everyone for your amazing support.” great and many thanks to all the children and families who participated in making our donations. We hope that the children have taken away an understanding of the hard times that many people face during the winter months, the joy of being able to help out others, and a new skill!
Below are some pictures of our finished
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