Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Imagination Creation Station!

Each and everyday at OSC, we have one leader who plans and leads one activity. These activities can range from a variety of subjects. Some are art projects, science experiments, baking, and many more fun things. This week for my activity, I gave the kids the freedom to make anything their imaginations could think of. I brought out a whole variety of supplies ~ wood, paper, straws, cups, glue, popsicle sticks, string, googly eyes, rubber bands ...etc.

With all these supplies ready to go, I then told the kids to “pick one art item and think of something you can make with that item.”

A simple sandal, turned into a playful pet with its own leash attached for nice long walks on the beach.

Popsicle sticks and string to form a bow and arrow.

A few pom poms with some googly eyes and a cape makes for great super hero pet!

Until next time,


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