Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Thanks for Fall


This past week at Junior OSC, we got to connect with the kids about what Thanksgiving is all about and we asked what the kids are thankful for in their lives. Here are some of the things the kids said they were thankful for. 

  • mommy and daddy 
  • little sister
  • cookbooks
  • nice place to live 
  • cars
  • dolls
  • grandma
  • cat named “meow”

Talking with the kids about what Thanksgiving really is gave them an opportunity to appreciate what they have.

Now that Fall is here, the leaves are falling on the ground so what better way to spend the afternoon than to build leaf piles?! The kids worked together as a team to build a huge leaf pile at the park. Once done, they rewarded themselves by jumping in the pile and throwing the leaves in the air.


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