Friday, 15 December 2017


Hello all,

A few weeks ago for art, Henaxi and I led a snow making activity. While many of us may not like the snow, this snow was a real winner for the children. The children were separated into two groups, and each group made one batch of snow. While making the snow, children took turns measuring, pouring and stirring the ingredients. The snow was quite easy to make as it only consisted of 2 ingredients: baking soda (~ 1cup) and hair conditioner (~ 4 cups). I found that adding the baking soda to the conditioner bit by bit to get the consistency needed was the best method to do this.

While it was my first time making snow, I was pleasantly surprised by the texture. The snow was very soft but did not stick to our hands or the table. It was also quite moldable and flexible, which allowed the children to create mini snowmen and snowballs. Since slime is so popular with children these days, this art project is a nice alternative. The snow is also a great sensory activity which allows children to stimulate their sense of touch.

Warm wishes,


Friday, 8 December 2017

Family Fun Night

Hello everyone,

Hope everyone is having a wonderful start to December. Last Thursday was our Family Fun
Night. We would like to thank all the families that joined us and we hope you all had a wonderful

This was the second time we have hosted this event and we hope to continue the tradition in the
years to come. This year we had many different activities for the children and parents to enjoy.
One of the activities was our “Minute to Win It Games: Holiday Edition.” To begin, children were
given a passport with pictures corresponding to different games. Then children chose a
challenge to try. Once the children completed one of the challenges, they were able to stamp
their passport. When they received all 5 stamps, the children were able to select a prize. Some
of the Minute to Win It games included apple stacking (the record was 7 apples), marshmallow
slingshot, and ping pong toss into Wow Butter. Special thanks to Matt for organizing these activities. It was great to see the children’s excitement and willingness to take on these challenges.

We also had a gingerbread house making station. Children were able to create their own
gingerbread houses made from graham crackers, icing and a great amount of candy. It was
wonderful to see the children’s creativity and their unique take on their houses.

Lastly, a hot chocolate bar was on offer for maximum indulgence. Nothing is better than ending the day with a warm cup of hot chocolate and marshmallows!

We hope to see everyone join us for our Family Fun Night next year!



Tuesday, 14 November 2017

May The Force Be With You!

Hello OSC families!

This week the kids were extra excited to make lightsabers for Thursday's activity.  Who isn't a fan of Star Wars!  As Darth Vader said “Luke, I am your father.”

Here is a recipe if anyone would like to recreate it at home:

- empty water bottle
- glitter glue (any colour)
- water
- duck tape
- 2 glow sticks

However, fair warning to those that decide to take upon this is messy!!  You may find glitter glue everywhere as this is what happened to us from our clothes to being stuck to the furniture.  After the activity finished, the glow sticks turned out to be a huge hit.  The kids thought it was a really fun idea to turn off the lights on one side of the room lights and perform a talent show to the audience using the glow sticks.  This was quite a sight to see and entertaining for those of us watching.

Until next time, thanks for reading!


Monday, 6 November 2017

Trick or Treat!

Hello West Richmond families!

We hope that you all had a safe and spooky Halloween this past week. While we are recovering from all of the sugar that we have eaten recently let’s take a moment to look back at the wonderful week we had here at West Richmond. We had so much fun with all of the activities, from pumpkin carving with our friends over at SR OSC, to dressing up and eating endless amounts of sweets. 

All of the costumes that we saw were so impressive. It was great seeing some new and creative ideas as well as some classics. There was such a variety, from the Joker to Elsa and everything in between. The kids who participated in the pumpkin carving activity loved getting messy and covered in pumpkin guts. 

We even got the chance to cook up some pumpkin seeds for a super fun and yummy activity. With Halloween over, we are now patiently awaiting the wonderful winter holidays. May our candy last us until then, although we all know it won’t.



Thursday, 2 November 2017

Get Out To Get Better

With this season expected to be a cold and wet one, it is easy to dread going outdoors. The leaders at West Richmond are geared up and ready to play outdoors regardless of the weather and here is why your children should be too.

Benefits Of Outdoor Play:

Improved Motor Skills- Children exposed to wet and slippery surfaces will gain valuable experience controlling their bodies under different circumstances. A slip or fall in the playground serves as an important lesson for managing risk and ultimately helps keep children safe over time.

Improved Immunity- Playing outsides exposes children to different germs and can help boost their immune system resulting in being sick less often.

Physical Activity- Consistent exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and getting outdoors regardless of the weather 
keeps your body active and helps prevent heart disease, obesity and other health issues.

Play and Learning- Children who are outside are more likely to use imaginative play, interact with nature and learn about the natural environment around them.

Please send your child with appropriate gear so that outdoor play can be an option even if it is wet and cold out.



Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Thanks for Fall


This past week at Junior OSC, we got to connect with the kids about what Thanksgiving is all about and we asked what the kids are thankful for in their lives. Here are some of the things the kids said they were thankful for. 

  • mommy and daddy 
  • little sister
  • cookbooks
  • nice place to live 
  • cars
  • dolls
  • grandma
  • cat named “meow”

Talking with the kids about what Thanksgiving really is gave them an opportunity to appreciate what they have.

Now that Fall is here, the leaves are falling on the ground so what better way to spend the afternoon than to build leaf piles?! The kids worked together as a team to build a huge leaf pile at the park. Once done, they rewarded themselves by jumping in the pile and throwing the leaves in the air.


Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Self Portraits with Nature

Hi Families!

With autumn in full swing and the guarantee of pleasant weather lessening, our next challenge is coming up with new and enticing activities. A few weeks ago, I knew I wanted to do some variety of self portraits but I was not entirely sure about involving myself with paint on this day (white shirt.. disaster waiting to happen).

There's a lot of buzz around using natural materials in classrooms and a variety of out of school care programs, so I thought to try self portraits, but using natural materials. There were mixed reactions, some were disappointed that it wasn't slime - a popular activity as of late - and some intrigued. We ventured out to the park and followed the fence along the putting course, collecting acorns, pine needles, pebbles, fallen leaves and sticks. What I liked about this activity was that it was a way to get the kids outside, as some of them are dedicated art-doers so they might not visit the park as often. I think the kids could appreciate there were little to no guidelines so they could build themselves on paper however they chose, with whatever materials they found from outside. We briefly talked about what kinds of materials would be ideal: pine needles for hair, acorns for noses or heads, sticks for arms and legs...get their creative juices flowing.

Check out some examples below! I was impressed to see how much effort they put in :)

Happy Fall!

Sara E

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Imagination Creation Station!

Each and everyday at OSC, we have one leader who plans and leads one activity. These activities can range from a variety of subjects. Some are art projects, science experiments, baking, and many more fun things. This week for my activity, I gave the kids the freedom to make anything their imaginations could think of. I brought out a whole variety of supplies ~ wood, paper, straws, cups, glue, popsicle sticks, string, googly eyes, rubber bands ...etc.

With all these supplies ready to go, I then told the kids to “pick one art item and think of something you can make with that item.”

A simple sandal, turned into a playful pet with its own leash attached for nice long walks on the beach.

Popsicle sticks and string to form a bow and arrow.

A few pom poms with some googly eyes and a cape makes for great super hero pet!

Until next time,


Saturday, 9 September 2017

Jr OSC Pro Tips

We may be the child care professionals, but families can be child care pros too! Just follow these tips to start your career as an OSC Elite.

AM Sign In - With Jr and Sr OSC combined at Gilmore for morning care, there will be two programs in the same space. When signing in your child, look for the correct Jr OSC Sign In binder first! Otherwise, you could be staring into the Sr OSC binder forever and never find your child's name listed.

Be Prepared - It's not just a catchphrase for boy scouts, but words to live by, especially at OSC. Please send your child with the right gear for play. Water bottle for thirst, jacket for rain, hat and gloves for cold. Remember, we strive to get outside everyday, year round, no matter the weather.

Look to the Board - At pickup, you'll usually find our magnetic "choices board" near the sign in table. This displays where the kids may be. Elite pickup persons know to look for their child's magnet button to quickly locate the child's whereabouts.

Sign Out - Please remember to sign out your child. Gilmore and Quilchena on the white sheet, Dixon on the blue sheet. Need the time? Look up at the window sill and a clock will be staring right back at you.

Back Stairwell - Need to get your child from the playground? Use the back stairwell! Down the hall, through the door on the right, down the stairs and bingo - you're at the playground.



Friday, 14 July 2017

Risky Play(ground) Practice

A recent trip to a local playground reminded me of how much my perspective on acceptable playground play can differ from my other colleagues in the field. What I witnessed was a staff from another summer camp frequently requesting children to "reign in" their actions, from what I assume was a fear for the children's safety. Below are some examples of the scenarios, along with my thoughts.

Scenario #1: Child stands on swing seat

Staff: "Sit down! No standing on the swings."

My thoughts: The child was on an individual swing set and posed no risk to other children. By my estimate, the child appeared to be 8 or 9 years old and seemed perfectly confident, comfortable and in control of the swing. In fact, he wasn't even swinging, but merely standing on the seat, with both hands grasping the chains on either side. I asked in my own head, "how is this action any riskier than climbing any of the other structures on the rest of the playground?"

Verdict: Risk minimal. Let them play!

Scenario #2: Child shuffles up pole that supports swing set

Staff: "Get down. No climbing up the swings."

My thoughts: Why not?! The child was not in the way of any other participants, nor was he in the path of the swings. Again, the risk to this child climbing, or to those around him, was no greater than, say, climbing the monkey bars at the other end of the playground.

Verdict: Risk minimal. Let them play!

Scenario #3: Child climbs up side of playground structure

Staff: "Be careful..."

My thoughts: I've grown to hate this phrase. Why? Because it conveys NOTHING. First, will saying "be careful" change how the child is behaving? Doubtful. Do you think the child is actually trying to be careless to hurt herself? Second, saying "be careful" doesn't tell the child what you want her to do. It conveys no direction. If you have an actual concern, simply prompt the child to think about the dangers (i.e. "if your foot slips, do you have a good grip with both hands?")

Verdict: Useless phrase. Let them play!

Let's be reminded of why we have playgrounds. Yes, the obvious reasons are for fun and physical activity. But playgrounds, or playing in general, are for exploring risk and developing skills! Of course we should set some limits to prevent major hazards from inflicting serious harm. But an exposure to reasonable risky play only serves to develop skills in our children, both in assessing and overcoming risks.

No risk? No reward!



Friday, 7 July 2017

Summer Daycamp Pro Tips

With a super fun and sunny start to daycamps this summer, the kids and leaders have been having a blast. The first week has flown by with a great variety of activities, from face painting and rocket building, to trips to playgrounds and waterparks, to some quality time just playing board games with friends.

The following are some Summer Daycamp Pro Tips to keep the summer rolling smoothly for children and parents alike:

  • Sunscreen and water bottle - Send it! The staff remind the children multiple times a day to apply sunscreen and drink water. Forgot to send sunscreen with your child? Just ask a leader to borrow some camp supply!
  • Water shoes - Dry or wet, it's important to keep your child's feet protected. Pack some footwear for waterparks or beaches.
  • Food safety - Is your child's lunch perishable? If so, stick an ice-pack in the lunch kit to keep things cool. Warm yogurt is gross!
  • Waitlists - If a desired daycamp is full, always get on the waitlist! You'd be surprised how much movement there is in the registration system.
  • Be on time - Please stick to the program times for which you have registered. It's not fair to the staff or other participants if you drop off early or pick up late. Having to give warnings or charge late fees are the least favourite tasks for the leaders!



Friday, 16 June 2017

Return of the Sun

Hi Jr OSC families!

Thank you all for doing your sun dances. It's paid off and Mr.Sun is back again!

The school year is almost over and here at OSC we are preparing for an amazing summer program!
Your little sunbeams will be getting lots of vitamin D from here on out. Please make sure to gear them up with water bottles, sunscreen, sunglasses, and hats!

Earlier this week, we were lucky enough to catch a glimpse of some of the new and hottest hair trends for Wacky Hair Day. We are so lucky to have the kids keeping us up to date with what is cool and hip.

There are lots of exciting events coming up, one of them being the OSC Family BBQ! The BBQ is a great way to celebrate the end to a great year with your children. There will be food, a slideshow, and even a revenge against the leaders event . Please bring food bank items to vote for which leaders will receive punishment! We really hope that all of you and your sunbeams are able to make it! Have a beautiful, sunny weekend!


Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Glove Monsters

Hello OSC families,

On Thursday, Mackenzie organized a creepy and creative art activity called glove monsters. From googly eyes, multi-coloured felts, buttons and sharpies, the kids eagerly started to decorate their monsters. They used brightly coloured toe socks and used stuffing to make their monster plush and 3D. With our supplies, the kids used their imagination and decorated these amazing and unique glove monsters. Some were scarier than others with sharp teeth and others were covered with colourful feathers and pom poms. No two monsters looked the same and the final products were oh so scary! The kids were so excited to show Mackenzie and me their completed monster. This was a great opportunity for them to express their artistic skills.

Until next time,

Sarah A

Monday, 8 May 2017

Baking up a storm!

In the kitchen for a special activity were Jason and a bunch of our expert bakers, making bread pudding. The kids were given different tasks at their table, pouring in ingredients, mixing the batter, and even a little bit of cleaning up. They were so excited to bake that we posted the recipe here in the blog. If anyone would like to make it at home, check out the recipe below!

6 slices day-old bread
2 tablespoons butter, melted
4 eggs, beaten
2 cups milk
3/4 cup white sugar
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla extract


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).

2. Break bread into small pieces into an 8 inch square baking pan. Drizzle melted butter or margarine over bread.

3. In a medium mixing bowl, combine eggs, milk, sugar, cinnamon, and vanilla. Beat until well mixed. Pour over bread, and lightly push down with a fork until bread is covered and soaking up the egg mixture.

4. Bake in the preheated oven for 45 minutes, or until the top springs back when lightly tapped.

Happy Baking!


Thursday, 27 April 2017

Spring is in the air!

With all the spring showers, the May flowers have come a little early this year. The sun is making its way through the clouds, making our playground days extra special, being able to play in the warm sun and the cool breeze. Since the sun has been out more, we have been able to take the opportunity to use our patio even more. This week, Sara led the kids in planting their own spring flowers. They decorated their ceramic pots by painting them, before putting soil and sunflower seeds in the pots. We hope that these sunflowers will be ready to be planted for the summer time and soon we will have sunflowers taller than the kids! These beautiful flower pots are living temporarily on our patio, until they start to sprout. It won’t be long before we will have to pull out the sunscreen, hats, and extra water bottles!

Have a great day!


Thursday, 20 April 2017

Bunny Masks

Happy Easter OSC Families!

I hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing long weekend. There’s nothing better than spending the weekend with your family, especially when it involves eating as much chocolate as possible. Last week, to prepare for Easter, we made Easter Bunny Masks for one of our art activities.

To make the masks, we started off by cutting out the center of a paper plate. After that, we drew bunny ears on a light coloured sheet of paper and cut them out. We drew a smaller section inside the ears and coloured them pink. We then cut out six small whiskers, three for each side of the plate, and used black construction paper for them. Once we glued the ears and whiskers in their place, we hot glued a popsicle stick to the bottom of the paper plate. The kids could hold on to the popsicle stick and then hold their masks up to their faces.

We had a few ears fall off as they were quite big and heavy, so liquid glue or a hot glue gun worked best to keep them in place. All in all, it was a super fun activity and all the masks turned out so well. I’m looking forward to our next holiday themed art activity!

All the best,


Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Kids’ Korner Easter Edition

With Easter happening this weekend, I’ve been hearing talk from the kids excited for the Easter Bunny to visit. Using this idea, I wanted to go a little deeper to find out what exactly they like about Easter, so I asked them this question…

What is your favourite thing about Easter?

Connor – “I like Easter egg hunts because I get chocolate.”

Jaycob – “It has candy and it's fun… No school.”

Katelyn – “Going for Easter egg hunts!”

Lily – “Easter egg hunts because CANDY!”

Kurtis – “Finding the eggs”

Valentina – “Buying eggs for the Easter bunny to hide”

Theodora - “Finding the Easter eggs and eating them!”

Max – “I just like getting those eggs”

Isaac – “The Easter Bunny!”

Ryan – “I like to hunt eggs”

In the minds of the kids here at Junior OSC, it is fair to say that the Easter bunny is the star of this holiday. I hope everyone enjoys their Easter weekend!

Thanks for reading,


Friday, 31 March 2017

Hand Print Flowers

Hello OSC families!

Spring is finally here and we couldn't be more excited for the sun and warmth that is upon us. The planned art activities are always a hit with our Juniors here at OSC. This past Thursday we did an art activity where the kids made hand print flowers to get us all excited for this spring season.

We started off with covering our hands in paint and making a hand print on a piece of paper. The fingers were the stems of the flowers and the flowers were created at the tips of the fingers with our thumb. We then cut out a brown flower pot and placed it over the palm of the painted hand. A message was written on the pot that said “I’ve made some May flowers with my fingers and thumb so you’ll have these memories for all the years to come”.

We started brainstorming about who these pictures could be given to. Some Juniors wanted to give their flower picture to their mom, some wanted to give theirs to their dad and some wanted to make pictures for everyone in their family. It’s always fun doing an art activity that can be given to someone special and it makes it that much more exciting for the children when they are creating it.

I look forward to many more fun times at the art table with our Junior artists!


Monday, 13 March 2017

Kids' Korner

With so many options of things to play and interact with at OSC, I took the time to find out what it is about our program that kids enjoy so much. So I took the time to ask....

What is your favourite thing to do at Jr OSC?

Sam- "gym"

Nick & Kieri- "play with the Lego table"

Reilly- "play with my friends"

James- "play with paper airplanes"

Kurtis- "play cars with Noah, he is my friend"

Jason- "play with Kurtis with cars and Noah"

Claire- "park"

Savannah- "I like doing art"

At OSC, there is a lot happening and my favourite thing to do is get fresh air at the playground or playing Crazy 8s upstairs.



Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Gotta Catch 'Em All: Pokemon Card Creations

Back when I was a kid, Pokemon was the most popular toy around. Still to this very day, they are a hit with kids all across the world. Most of the kids here at OSC have their own Pokemon cards, which they bring in to show off all the different kinds they have collected. There are over 500 Pokemon cards and trying to “catch them all” is Pokemon’s mission slogan.

Over at Senior OSC, Matt Hewitt led an activity using a simple website to create your very own Pokemon cards. I wanted every kid to have the opportunity to enjoy Pokemon cards like I did when I was their age, and that's the reason why I chose to do this activity. With the idea from Matt and the amount of interest in Pokemon at Jr. OSC, it sparked the idea of making everyone his or her very own card.

I started out by making a template where the kids would write out all the information about their Pokemon: the name, type, the animal it represented, health points, and their attacks. All we needed now was a picture of the Pokemon, which we had gotten from Google images. Using all the information gathered from the creative minds of the kids, I then plugged it in to the Pokemon card generating website and that was it!

Check out the new OSC edition Pokemon!

Here is the website we used if you wish to create your own!
